Baby Blocked Nose

Having a young baby with a blocked nose can be hard-work to say the least, with baby not able to sleep properly this can make life tough. What are the best ways to cope with a baby’s blocked nose.

For young baby’s under three months old there is very little medication you can use, but there are a few things you can try that may help.

Olbas oil is a concentrate of eucalyptus oil and other natural ingredients it is quite strong in smell and is too harsh to put directly on to baby, but if used in boiling water to activate the oil into steam and placing in a cup (in a safe place away from baby) in your baby’s room this can help unblock baby’s nose.

Steamy bathroom,using steam to unblock baby’s nose Steam is a natural at de-cloging blocked noises so standing with baby in a steamy bathroom may offer some relief for you congested little one.

Vapour rubs Vapour rubs designed for baby can be used from three month old onwards and these do have some positive affects on getting rid on the nose mucus temporally giving baby time to have some rest.

Going Natural and sucking the mucus out This one is not for me but I have heard of some mothers sucking the nasal mucus out of there baby’s nose. There are some nasal aspirators available to basically do the same thing but without the yuck.

If you are at all worried about you child go and see your GP, in most circumstances they will prescribe saline drops to put up your baby’s nose.

If you are still having problems with baby’s blocked nose you must try to get some quality sleep yourself so if you and your partner can get a few hours uninterrupted sleep by sharing caring for baby it will help you both cope as far as I know a few hours quality sleep is worth a lot more then long broken sleep

I have tried some off the wall stuff to try to help my baby son with his blocked nose including filling the hand held steam pressure cleaner with water and a few drops of olbas oil then filling the room with steam. It helped a little but mostly it just made the dog run around the house like a lunatic. I wont be doing that one again. Health care provider online doctor Alberta also give diagnosis for babies having runny nose.

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