Coronavirus Prevention: Improve Immunity With These Super Foods

Government and health authorities are highlighting the role of the human immune system when it comes to staving off the Covid-19 virus. Now, online articles marketing particular foods or supplements are coming in droves convincing people to purchase products that may or may not have any real effects. To make it clear, the World Health Organization posited that achieving a strong immune system is dependent on adopting a healthy lifestyle – from maintaining physical fitness to proper nutrition and mental wellbeing. In short, there is no magic pill to robust immunity.

Understanding the immune system

The immune system is a complex composition of cells, tissues, proteins, and organs spread throughout the body. Its responsibility is to defend the body against pathogens or harmful foreign bodies. A fully functioning immune system can segregate threats like viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites to fight them off. It can also distinguish dead and faulty cells and get rid of them.

A system this intricate means it will not be easily “magically” changed by food. But maintaining a healthy diet supports the function of the immune system by fortifying the body.

Introducing superfoods

What are superfoods? This is a term used to label food with exceptional nutrient-density and maximum health benefits. The term was initially coined as a marketing ploy and is not commonly adopted by health experts and nutritionists. However, it is now widely accepted to mean nutrient-powerhouses.

Here are some of the best foods that are deemed worthy of the title:

Dark green leafy vegetables

You probably have heard of this since you were a child – that you need to eat your fill of dark green leafy vegetables as part of the “glow” foods. Fast-forward to 2020, these veggies are still king when it comes to giving maximum nutrition. Dark green vegetables are rich in folate, calcium, zinc, vitamin c, magnesium, iron, and fiber. Veggies under this category include spinach, kale, collard greens, swiss chards, moringa, and arugula. Mix them in salads, stir-fry, and smoothies and enjoy to enjoy your fill of nutritious dishes and beverages.


Eating nuts regularly may prove to be beneficial to your health. It is a great source of fiber, protein, and anti-oxidants. Some studies claim that it decreases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Popular foods under this category include almonds, walnuts, pecans, pistachios, macadamia, and cashew. Nuts are packed with vitamins and minerals that are now being used as an alternative to cow’s milk. Yes, a whole line of plant-based milk can be produced just from these small but nutrition-packed gifts from nature. Also, they are good supplementary food if you are aiming to lose weight since eating them will make you feel full without skimping on the health benefits.


They may be small, but they are big on nutrients! Want to load up with antioxidants? Fill your daily diet with lots of berries! They are some of the healthiest foods available on the planet. Besides anti-oxidants, they are also high in vitamin C and fiber. Research also shows that they improve insulin response, lower cholesterol, and fight inflammation. Strawberries, blueberries, cranberries, acai berries, blackberries, and raspberries all fall into this category. They are all delicious to add to salads, desserts, and drinks.


Quinoa and sunflower seeds are on the top of the list of seeds with superfood quality. Quinoa, which is considered as grain by many, is a seed. It is harvested from a plant called goosefoot, which resembles a weed. It is packed with protein, lysine, iron, magnesium, fiber, manganese, and riboflavin. Sunflower seeds, on the other hand, are filled with vitamin E and anti-oxidants. Both are excellent in salads.

Legumes and beans

Beans contain high protein levels, B vitamins, folate, and antioxidants. They are considered as a great alternative to meat and can also be included in weight-loss program diets. Soybeans, peas, alfalfa, peanuts, and lentils are examples of superfoods in this category. They are great as standalone dishes but they can also complement other ingredients when making a dish. Beans are versatile and can be added to soups, salads, and main courses.


Behold, the sea vegetable! Asian countries have long understood the nutritional value of seaweed. It is rich in iodine, vitamins, minerals, tyrosine, anti-oxidants, folate, vitamin K, and fiber. It is known to strengthen the heart and is even popular in Korean households as an ingredient to nurse new mothers back to health and stimulate their milk productivity. Fresh seaweeds complement meat dishes. You can also use it to make stews, soups, or rolls.
You cannot control everything in this world. But there are things that you have a hold of – like making a choice to visit a walk in clinic Thunderbay center or making an effort to fix what you are consuming. Sure, an all-cure pill does not exist. But everyone can agree, though, that having a healthy diet is one of the greatest contributing factors in building up the immune system. Start your journey to wellness today.